Maps & Directions
o get to Bisbee and the Museum, take Arizona Highway 80 south from Interstate 10 in Benson, Arizona. Follow 80 through Tombstone and on south. Once you pass the junction with State highway 90 from Sierra Vista, you will begin to climb the scenic Mule Mountains. At the top of the climb, you will pass through the tunnel just below Mule Pass (despite the dramatic climb, you should feel fortunate ... the road used to go all the way up over the pass!). Once through the tunnel, Bisbee lies directly before you. About a mile from tunnel, take the main exit to Old Bisbee. Follow the exit road and you are on Main Street. The Museum is just ahead on the right, at #5 Copper Queen Plaza, just past the large parking lots on the left, and directly across Main Street from the tan Art Deco Bisbee Civic Center. On the map below of Downtown Bisbee, the Museum is represented by the red dot.
The Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum
We'll help you relive Bisbee's dynamic & colorful past.
Main Page | Mineral Hall | Muheim House
All materials and photographs within this site are copyright and courtesy of the Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum. Any duplication or re-distribution of this material is prohibited.
Site design, construction & maintenance
donated by William John Tifft